The contest this time is “Decorate A Easter Egg”. The hospital gave us a Styrofoam egg. Marsha, the mastermind behind this project, went with the “Easter Beagle” theme. The final product is just stunning! OK, I might be a little bias on this seeing that WE WANT TO WIN!
“Want to win” might be an understatement when we look at the bigger picture. As a “back up”, incase Marsha didn’t come through with a finished product (I won’t even start to tell you about the “Kentucky Derby Hat Decorating Contest” in 2007), Scott and I came up with the “Peep” bird house made out of a back up egg. Now this egg is ingeniously done up like a bird house with a family of Peeps sitting in a living room watching a television.
Between the Easter Beagle and The Peep House there’s no way we could lose, unless a backlash against our mega talents comes to light from the people who are haters of the cool. Now I’m not selling the other eggs short. They’re all wonderful pieces of work and art. We have a couple of Humpty Dumptys, a couple of Birds, and a Hot Air Balloon among other entries.
The bottom line is that this contest is once again all in fun. All the eggs are really nice (ours are better) OMG I can’t stop pushing our egg! OK, I have a better grip. The other eggs I really like are the Hot Air Balloon and the Yellow Bird (they’re NO WHERE close to the imagination and quality in our egg) DAMN!! I DID IT AGAIN. Just look at the pictures of the eggs and make your own choice and don’t be bias.
VOTE FOR US!!!!!!!!!!!
Update (March 20th): We got the news this after noon that our stunning egg DIDN'T win the contest that was sponsored by the Cafeteria. "Now what egg won?", you might be asking yourself. The Egg designed by the CAFETERIA!
To show we're not sore losers I just wanted to say that I can't express how happy I am for the Cafe for putting on this contest and how thrilled we all are that their egg somehow won. After all it was a..... nice egg. It was yellow. Yellow is.... nice. Oh, and it had a sign on it asking "How are the pancakes?" Even though none of us understood this apparent inside joke we all agreed that pancakes are .... nice. So let's all give a hand to the winning egg (cough *fixed* cough).
I hope that the next contest the cafe FIXes up for us is just as fun. The lesson we all learned from this is that we shouldn't use our talents and skill to create a work of art. We should lower our exportations and think "simple" and throw in a pun on a sign that no one gets and stick it on our entry and make sure that the people judging the contest work with us so they could make us the winner over the far superior masterpieces .... OH MY GOD.. I'M SUCH A SORE LOSER!
(secret message to Lisa) "The climate is changing".. there I said it! Damn you Lisa.
(click on the image to view full size)
Oh puh-leeze. What do hospital cafeterias know about anything??? Certainly not food (or egg) preparation, if you ask me.
p.s. Marsha sounds like my kinda gal.
Hi great readingg your post
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