Sunday, October 05, 2008

Which Witch Is Which ?

Here's a look at some famous "Hollywood Witches". Let's see if you could tell which witch is which. Match the letter next to the witch with the correct name. The answers are in the comment section (press the "comment" tab under this post.) Let me know how you did.

1. Hermione, 2. Aunt Clara, 3. Hazel, 4. The Sanderson Sisters, 5. Elphaba, 6. The Halliwell Sisters, 7. Samantha, 8. The Owen Sisters, 9. Endora, 10. Queen Jadis, 11. Sabrina, 12. Glinda

Click On The Picture To See FULL SIZE


Rick's Time On Earth said...

Here's The ANSWERS:

A-6, B-11, C-2, D-12, E-3, F-1, G-10, H-5,
I-8, J-7, K-4, L-9

Anonymous said...

Well....I got most of those wrong... That's only logical, though, since I guessed on most of them. Nice blog!

Anonymous said...

You forgot my ex-wife, wish I could.